Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Do I Feel Blank

Yesterday I had this great surge of creativity. Tonight, not so much. But Kylie Minogue songs get stuck in your head almost more so than do Lady Gaga songs....
Anywho, I have not the patience to write about TJ tonight. I feel like someone told me something deep today - but I managed to forget it. What I did learn today was that there is always more information. Someone, somewhere knows more, or has more contacts, than you do.Which can be most valuable. So watch out for these types - get to know them, and be cruel. Take advantage of their knowledge and find yourself a network, a spider web of people to interact with.
But I remembered what I was going to write about. I was going to write about witches. Three days ago a witch came into to our World Religions class and as a wicken since 1984, had quite a bit to talk about. When I first walked into the class, the man's physical appearance was like - oh dang - its a witch! But after only a few minutes of speaking, this ritualistic pagan had proven himself a very estute and eloquent individual and I was more than willing to sit down and listen. I would not say that I'm in an unstable religious situation - I'm pretty glued to my faith - but exploration of introspective rituals...that's the good stuff. I don't often do so, but meditation is the best. As I've told quite a few people - its all about starting out thinking of everything, absolutely everything, at the same time. And then gradually, beautifully thinking about nothing. Peace streams in and out of every pore and its just gorgeous. So the witch came in and answered and hour and a half of questions from TJ kids, after giving a brief introduction of pagan religions and their origins, evolution and current state. There was a certain eerie taint to his whole discussion, i.e. when someone mentioned the unfortunate stereotype of witches controlling werewolves, etc., he said, 'Ah, but you have assumed that that's a bad thing,' which immediately told me - heh - yeah the tries to play with those things, he's a witch! So, I mean, I'm not going to become a witch, but becoming in touch with deity with some kind of ritual - prayer, meditation, woods dancing - nothing especially dark like wigi boards - I"m all good with that. This trance state, this pure state is what I hope to achieve more and more often as I attempt to write songs, with or without words. In the rare moments I'm not barely keeping my eyelids open or doing some form of math or language I am able to absorb simple, beautiful's so euphoric when this happens. If you're a melody person, than the words melt away, simply repeating in your head without being processed, and you jive with each of the notes in sequence. Lyrics - that's for poetry lovers - which I am - but in a different time and place. Also - this is the best time for inspiration, which you've probably already concluded. The creative juices flow in and out and all about and your feelings and thoughts melt onto the paper without having to worry about restraint. Whatever this process is actually called, it cures writers block.
One of these moments happened today on the bus, which was tasty. I was slumped in my chair, totally zoned out, but not entirely asleep, and the song American Boy, by Estelle, was playing. It is not worshipped for its lyrics, but the melody is simple and catchy, and while half-asleep, thinking of nothing else, devoid of emotion like a psycopath, it was most excellent.
That's another thing - the phrases and sounds we pick up from our friends are so much. Many people tell me to go away because my 'Drewisms' are invading their speech patterns. I've even noticed that I've picked things up from my friends speech patterns, although it seems I'm the one with all the strange phrases. I shall not enumerate them here, but there are enough to cause change in others speech patterns I guess. new favorite ice cream is Heavenly Hash. Chocolate ice cream, marshmallow swirl, small chocolate chips, and small bits of almond. If you get the right brand - i.e. Bloom brand - it is so terribly delicious. Although I cannot finish an entire half-gallon of vanilla bean ice cream, I can definitely finish an entire half gallon of that in one sitting....its so good. So go out and buy some.


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